___A European Conference on


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The right recipe for learning through the Blog

Sebastian Fiedler states that Bloggers are per se self-emancipating persons. There are at least built-in mechanisms that trigger an increased sense of reflection and selfreflection.

It was Gregory Bateson (www.oikos.org/baten.htm )  who already in the 1950s pointed to the possibilities of learning by learning on a higher degree, by metalearning. My question to Sebastian is: How do you actually do this ? Is there any favourite way of conversation that sponsors the metalearning more than do others ? And what about the gap between virtual (and transfered in time) talk and real talk that is still faster (if more fleeting) than textbased exchange ? Could we achieve progress in metalearning by simply talking slower, let´s say by establishing a convention that everybody has the right to speak out say 5-6 sentences before the other one has exactly the same time to respond ( as in chess)?

I miss the recipe in S. Fiedler´s theory, although I find his approach very stimulating.

# on 5/23/03; 8:31:02 PM__

Second Panel

The Schockwellenreiter had been observing certain internetprojects for some time and found that the client-server-hierarchy-system was too susceptible to breakdowns since servers easily reached their upper processing limit. The solution in his view was to decentralize data storage. The only server integrated is one or several community server that receives, requests and redistributes information data. This makes possible projects that a community of volunteers contribute to.

# on 5/23/03; 3:59:56 PM__

Is this desire ?

A policy of nonrestriction that Kulikauskas demands may lead to content that aren´t for the most part considered serious, such as sex and crime. As Hossein Derakshan points out in his lecture, these toorg/sites/blogtalk.net/files are surprisingly successful in Iran. This is an important issue: Making your voice heard means to speak out loud your suppressed desires. Maybe in the Iranian context the "sexual liberation" is part of the struggle of the modern Iranian population to free themselves from a suppressive regime. They are symptons of the state of society, they can bring up toorg/sites/blogtalk.net/files to the surface that are officially banned from public.

# on 5/23/03; 1:04:48 PM__

# on 5/23/03; 2:08:19 PM__

Feeling better already ?

It´s so relieving just to have finished this sentence. And this feeling grows even stronger when I´ve posted the whole thing...

At the moment I feel at odds with myself: Is it even possible to bring all those bloggers together and to make them listen closely to each other ? In what way do the Iranian Weblog situation or the number of Polish bloggers have an impact on the worldwide Blog community ? Can we assume a culture-defined way of blogging, and does it correspond to country borders ?

Maria Milonas is in favor of blogs being a medium of contact betwenn social groups that are alien to each others, straights and gays, parents and kids

# on 5/23/03; 2:06:39 PM__

What makes people create blogs

The fact that weblogs are so popular in Poland falls into the line of the argument I presented before: Societies emerging from regimes that were hostile to free expression grasp the chance to spak out loud what was kept below the surface.

One should see a a futher incitement for international and interlinguistic communication in a crisis like the European-American rift over the war in Iraq. Why did the populations were more or less in line with their governments and did not try to find out themselves what people on the other side of the Atlantic thought ? Why do non-bloggers rely on the (old) media to provide them with a subjective selection of the state of the world ? These media don´t allow for an interaction: Since they cannot be directly put to question, they must not be trusted. If we trust only certain people, our friends, on giving us advice, why do we trust media corporations with a doubtful and purely commercial background to construct our view of the world and therefore our emotions and political behaviour ?

# on 5/23/03; 2:02:50 PM__

Spanischsprachige Blogs

Im spanischsprachigen Raum gibt es ca. 4000 Blogs; davon sind 1.500 aktiv (d.h. es wurde in den letzten Wochen darin gebloggt).

Warum gibt es hier so wenige Blogger?
Liegt es am schönen Wetter und am Lebensgfühl der Leute oder wird hier alles bereits in anderen Publikationsmedien breitgetreten?

# on 5/23/03; 2:00:59 PM__

Feeling better having blogged ?

It´s so relieving just to have finished this sentence. And this feeling grows even stronger when I´ve posted the whole thing...

At the moment I feel at odds with myself: Is it even possible to bring all those bloggers together and to make them listen closely to each other ? In what way do the Iranian Weblog situation or the number of Polish bloggers have an impact on the worldwide Blog community ? Can we assume a culture-defined way of blogging, and does it correspond to country borders ?

Maria Milonas is in favor of blogs being a medium of contact betwenn social groups that are alien to each others, straights and gays, parents and kids.


# on 5/23/03; 1:22:12 PM__

Polnische Blogs

- es gibt ca. 100.000 Blogs
- 62 % der Blogger sind Frauen
- 75 % sind 20 Jahre alt oder jünger
- 90 % schreiben von zu Hause aus

Die polnischen Blogger schreiben sehr emotional und fühlen sich besser, nachdem sie gepostet haben => psychotherapeutischer Effekt.

# on 5/23/03; 1:16:44 PM__

Is this desire ?

A policy of nonrestriction that Kulikauskas demands may lead to content that aren´t for the most part considered serious, such as sex and crime. As Hossein Derakshan points out in his lecture, these toorg/sites/blogtalk.net/files are surprisingly successful in Iran. This is an important issue: Making your voice heard means to speak out loud your suppressed desires. Maybe in the Iranian context the "sexual liberation" is part of the struggle of the modern Iranian population to free themselves from a suppressive regime. They are symptons of the state of society, they can bring up toorg/sites/blogtalk.net/files to the surface that are officially banned from public.

# on 5/23/03; 1:04:48 PM__

Weblogs im Iran

In Persien gibt es - laut Hossein Derakhshan - geschätzte 12.000 Weblogs! Dies ist einzigartig für den Nahen Osten.
Grund: die Presse wurde zugrunde zuensuriert => die Menschen begannen, sich nach alternativen Publikationsmedien umzuschauen.

Nur 7% der iranischen Blogger beschäftigen - laut www.persianblog.com sich mit Politik. Viele Weblogs sind auf dieser Website jedoch aus politischen Gründen nicht gelistet.

Lieblingsthemen der persischen Blogger:
- Literatur / Lyrik
- Technologische Fragen
- News

# on 5/23/03; 12:54:16 PM__


Snippets of conversation picked up:

What greater overall cultural influence do Weblogs have ? Phil Wolf said it was essential to build platforms that contribute to a broader communication culture that has a certain political weight.

Political divisions of left and right lack sense in the US, however the American participants tend to fall in the left spectrum from our perspective. This must be due to the fact that blogging is unthinkable without an open-mindedness for ideas even poles apart.



# on 5/23/03; 12:50:03 PM__

In Movement

The discussion of the first panel evolves around the big themes of the earlier lectures. Philosophical problems like identity and community are taken up from the nonelectronical world and don´t seem to lose any of their momentum in weblogs. The general key to "keep things simple" doesn´t suffice to explain hoe weblogs can go forward.

An interesting comment from the public: The problem is not the cumbersome choice for the right ontology, but the insufficient number of ontologies.

hyperorg.com/blogger for further discussion


# on 5/23/03; 12:06:14 PM__

Infoanarchy and blogalization

Some people seem to block the blogs, they connect any use of their content, e.g. by direct citation, with the acceptance of copyrights. Andrius Kulikauskas sets up a difficult but valuable hierarchy of information and their construction and modification on different levels, the highest being the things in the world that emerge from a long process of constructions and reconstructions (e.g. through the inventer, proofreader and editor).

Kulikauskas advocates a \93fair use\94 of other people`s content. A simple list of words arranged in a list and published on the web might be the result of a simple typing exercise or poetry. To differentiate, we have to look at the constructive intentions and whether there is an author behind all that.

In my view, there is an important difference concerning an author`s intention: Does he want to gain money or does he simply insist on securing his own relatedness to the work ? Is it a matter of money or ego ? 

# on 5/23/03; 11:52:20 AM__

Freedom and Responsibility

Sonya indicates the loss of interest of some students in the topic of their newly set up weblogs. This hints at the goal of weblogs: They have to support the community character. It only makes sense to begin a weblog at all if you keep  your audience in mind. Someone who begins to explore a new topic in his weblog that soon attracts a certain community as the responsiblity to make his content readable, to incite others to participate, to link himself up.

So, before beginning a weblog, it is crucial to think about one´s own relation to a possible audience. Which mission statement does one state in order to be more identifiable to this audience ? That does not mean we have to restrict our freedom to express ourselvs in any way we want, but a certain concentration helps to communicate, as in a real world conversation, where you can`t jump from one topic to the next without regard for the listener.

# on 5/23/03; 11:47:07 AM__


Schreibt immer über das, was Ihr liebt und Euch am Herzen liegt!

Wer das nicht tut, wird es zwangsläufig irgendwann tun!

# on 5/23/03; 11:39:38 AM__

Topic Weblogs

Weblogs zu einem bestimmten Thema zeichnen sich folgendermassen aus:

- die Autoren kennen sich mit dem Thema gut aus und versuchen es tiefgehend zu erforschen
- sind besonders für andere (Weblog-)autoren, die sich mit dem gleichen oder ähnlichen Thema beschäftigen, interessant
- die Autoren fühlen sich verpflichtet einen qualitativ hochwertigen Inhalt zu liefern.

# on 5/23/03; 11:34:38 AM__

Infoanarchy and blogalization

Some people seem to block the blogs, they connect any use of their content, e.g. by direct citation, with the acceptance of copyrights. Andrius Kulikauskas sets up a difficult but valuable hierarchy of information and their construction and modification on different levels, the highest being the things in the world that emerge from a long process of constructions and reconstructions (e.g. through the inventer, proofreader and editor).

Kulikauskas advocates a \93fair use\94 of other people`s content. A simple list of words arranged in a list and published on the web might be the result of a simple typing exercise or poetry. To differentiate, we have to look at the constructive intentions and whether there is an author behind all that.

In my view, there is an important difference concerning an author`s intention: Does he want to gain money or does he simply insist on securing his own relatedness to the work ? Is it a matter of money or ego ? 

# on 5/23/03; 11:27:13 AM__

Berkeley Weblog-Klasse

Kurs im Herbst 2002 an der Berkeley School of Journalism.

90% der Studenten hörten nach ca. einer Woche auf zu bloggen. Grund: das Thema, über das sie bloggten, hat sich erschöpft oder die Studenten nicht mehr interessiert.

# on 5/23/03; 11:26:21 AM__

Issues of the real world

The debate going on (in a pause set off by technical problems) shows that practical issues such as the HIV crisis in Africa are the genuine field of action for Weblogs. Mr. Kulikauskas incited the audience to respond to the concrete ways of dealing with it. They came up with diffuse answers that demanded new channels of communication and a greater will from our side to search and receive this information.

# on 5/23/03; 11:24:37 AM__

How to orientate oneself

Steve Cayzer reminds us one the most important advances brought about by the blog revoltion: Instead of purely textoriented search engines we want to find topicrelated blogs quickly. The intelligence needed for this process is a combination of metadata or "ontology" and markers (vocabulary). These have to be registered by new intelligent blog engines, that assist the effort of the individual blogger to open his blog to the interested public.

A new blog is an attraction, comparable to a street act that attracts people  for some time (as long as it is surprising). Not all the people crowd together, some have different things in mind and go about their business, others had different intentions but now stream towards the new event. The only thing is, an accumulation of too many weblogs that look alike and just repeat the same contents won´t be useful or attractive. The golden rule is therefore: Be original, create yourself anew through your individual site. The big step from the old system of hierarchically organized information is just this overload of personality, of bringing in one´s own voice.

# on 5/23/03; 10:31:58 AM__

Warum bloggen cool ist!

Steve Cayzer erklärt warum bloggen cool ist:
- es ist leicht zu veröffentlichen (man muss nur den "publish"-Knopf drücken)
- es gibt einen grossen Zusammenhalt in der Blogging-Community
- man kann gut verlinken

# on 5/23/03; 10:15:58 AM__

Blogging und Wahrheit

Frage der Objektivität: behauptet, die Welt so abzubilden wie sie "wirklich" ist. Aber Journalisten sind auch nur  Menschen
=> es gibt keinen objektiven Journalismus.

Frage der Subjektivität: behauptet, die Welt so abzubilden wie sie ist.

Bolgs erlauben Multi-Subjektivität!

# on 5/23/03; 10:07:11 AM__

Definition Problems

David Weinberger says that a blog is not based essentially on any technology used to create it (e.g. whether you use Ftp to post your messages) but a social phenomenon. People interact with one another, they don´t just talk (blogblahblog) but comment, bring in their specific personality, and even (re)create their character or the presentation of that character.

What I find interesting is the link of information and person that Weblogs make possible. Information isn´t a stable input that your mind receives and  saves into its memory, but is constantly transformed and interpreted, it is personalized by interaction and mutual reference. For the journalist Weinberger objectivity is of course an important aim which will however be put into the wider context of a worldwide blogger network. In my view "information" is part of an old hierarchy  

Weblogs sponsor all the elements we rely on when we meet personally: Spontaneous reaction, creating roles for the self, longterm establishment of discussion threads, playful encounters.

# on 5/23/03; 10:00:58 AM__

Was ist ein Blog?

David Weinberger listet auf, was ein Blog ausmacht:

- Täglich
- Wenige Paragraphen
- Chronologisch geordnet
- Verlinkt zu anderen Seiten und ist selbst verlinkt

# on 5/23/03; 9:52:12 AM__


It seems that everybod enjoyed the hike to the Heurigen outside meeting "Wine and Weblogs" yesterday. It was just the right entry stage for a conference that touches on web issues, even more so that the temperature outside is gonna rise to 30 degrees C.

# on 5/23/03; 9:43:49 AM__

Welcome to BlogTalk

Dear Bloggers and dear all,

welcome to Vienna, the Techgate and our conference on Weblogs. It is the first one in Europe on an international scale.
You know as always when you open a conference or similar events you have to say thanks to a lot of people. And it's not different in our case.

To make this conference come true we owe thanks to the whole international community of bloggers. Without their interest, enthusiasm and the underlying style and technology it would have been impossible to create such a conference in such a short period of time. We actually started in December last year, though first brainstormings took place in late summer of 2002.

So again a big thank you to the community.

We also say thank you to our sponsors without their confidence and financial support we would be in big troubles. I just want to mention the Austrian Ministery for Education, Research and the Arts (it's not easy these days) and orf online who contributed the critical mass. I also say thanks to the Techgate our host.

Well, that's it.  From now on we wish you an exciting event, some insights and lots of fun.

Thomas N. Burg for BlogTalk

PS: we have a live conference-blogging with comment functionality available as well as live-streaming. So stay tuned.

# on 5/23/03; 9:38:35 AM__