___A European Conference on


Web-based publising, communication and collaboration tools for
professional and private use_______________________updated:24.05.2003; 13:10:03
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He had to deal with the problem of publish a new branch of research. Further difficulties:

The project´s on a  budget (which was crucial for the choice of the software),

people reject the progress due to ignorance. As a journalist he was used to a certain wall of ignorance that could only be shattered through appealing and simple messages.

He got acquainted with weblogs through the Schockwellenreiter, one of Germany´s first bloggers (who by the way held this hilariously formulated but very informed lecture yesterday).

# on 5/24/03; 1:10:03 PM__

Jeremy Cherfas

Cherfas is not the first one to be very careful about the mentioning of his organization in the conference. Having listened to all these precautionary measures we should read back to what Mr. Kulikauskas said yesterday about copyright issues. Isn´t it odd that a blogger has to justify himself if he touches on anything related to marketing and corporative toorg/sites/blogtalk.net/files (and therefore nearly all the issues out there) ? In Cherfas´ case there´s even only a non-profit organization in the background. You can measure the ambiguousness of it all by listening to Cherfas´ last words, that people are "afraid of empowering the users". Too much legal stuff for me.

With a very english and a very notechie trait in his presentation he amuses the audience by explaining his stony way into weblogs. When he posted for the first time, he was amazed at the appearance of his writings on the screen. He felt very much liberated and immediately went on to advrtise his postings.

His insight into biotech industries allows him to depict some issues that are relevant even in other areas: Above all, it´s speed. You can lose it all if you lag behind by only one day.

We lag behind as well, the amount of eagerness for discussion clearly contradicts one comment on ou´r site that found the first day totally boring. For me as a newbie nearly everything presented so far was of interest. have jumped from near total ignorance (I had only published an article for the Danube University Intern Magazine about the upcoming trend) to a wellbranched orientation in the dozens of benefits and applications of weblogs.  


# on 5/24/03; 12:55:39 PM__

Jeremy Cherfas

erzählt von den Schwierigkeiten in seiner Firma, aktuelle News zu posten. Sein firmenrelevantes Weblog darf er allerdings nur bei Freunden hosten und nicht am Firmenserver.

# on 5/24/03; 12:48:28 PM__

Weblogs in Rumänien

Gabriela Avram erzählt, dass sie - abgesehen von ihrem Weblog-Projekt - von nur zwei anderen Bloggern in Rumänien weiss.
Das Projekt wird von der EU mitfinanziert. Ich finde, dass es auch in Österreich im universitären Rahmen ein Weblog-Projekt geben sollte. Schliesslich gibt es schon sehr viel verwertbare Literatur, die mal wissenschaftlich aufgearbeitet werden sollte.

# on 5/24/03; 12:33:28 PM__

Phil Wolf

Wolf intends to add the missing quantity of bullshit to the conference. He is satisfied with the level of complexity the earlier speakers attained, yet he wants to step back a bit.

The three points he makes:

1) The people writing the blogs.There are even artist who post daily sketches.

2) merging of weblogs with other media, Wolf`s television "has" a weblog.

3) The future will bring techniques that allow to blog things that aren´t bloggable today. BLOG ++. Wolf defends the lack of ambition of people to focus their content on specific toorg/sites/blogtalk.net/files, but he predicts that highly specialized people will come together via Weblog to find solutions to problems that are only interesting to them.

After all the mathematical, statistical, sometimes even egocentrical lectures, Wolf´s lively speech has all the former elements wrapped into an amusing futureoriented concept. I am most attracted by the expected smartness and sophistication of weblogs to come. We are just at the beginning, and weblogs just start to influence other developments and being influenced by them (e.g. Webservices, a topic until now unmentioned).

Communities: Get smart, get WIKI.

# on 5/24/03; 11:22:54 AM__

Henry Copeland

His lecture develops on the role of weblogs in the media environment. You have a better chance of being read (by potentially millions of people or at least your specific blogosphere) by writing a weblog instead of "posting" your article in alocal newspaper that is eventually only overread.

Copeland´s concept of hubness is made up of hip and hub ( as network hubs, how the hell can you recognize the "hip" factor in the word?). In this kind of environment the involved aren´t blind to their connectedness anymore, they are aware of the mutual communication activity. The emphasis here is not so much on political groupings but on commercial decisions. If 30% percent of my blogosphere discusses the new Matrix film, the need to go out and watch it becomes stronger and stronger

# on 5/24/03; 10:31:42 AM__

Google und Blogs

Wenn man etwas über eine Person wissen will, kann man es "googeln", und man wird feststellen, dass die erst-gerankten Treffen oft aus Blogs stammen. Grund: Google unterstützt das Selbstverlinungs-System der Blogger, indem es die oft verlinkten Sites hoch rankt.

# on 5/24/03; 10:25:03 AM__


Henry Copeland meint, dass man die Person, dessen Weblog man über längere Zeit regelmässig verfolgt, besser kennt als die Freunde, die man nur alle 4 Wochen zum Biertrinken trifft.

"Reading someone's blog is like reading someone's mind."

# on 5/24/03; 10:19:35 AM__

Aktive Blogger

Rebecca Blood geht von mindestens 500.000 aktiven Bloggern aus.
Als sie vor 4 Jahren zu bloogen begann, waren es ein paar Dutzend.

# on 5/24/03; 10:14:43 AM__

Rebecca Blood

From an european perspective Rebecca Blood is a (cyber) punk. You might find her likeness, her face with shaved temples, in an illustration for the Neuromaner series. Once used to her outward appearance, though, you´ll find her very nice and focused on what she does.

What she proposes in her speech is to use more extensively the possibilities of Weblogs. She advocates the shattering of conventions and the laziness of bloggers that surround themselves only with those circles that resemble their own frame of mind. Weblogs are all about the right to be different and the subsequent right to voice this difference. Going about in this direction yourself, you will immediately recognize the other´s unique identity and opinion instead of stuffing them all into the same pigeon-hole.


Weblog might be a "medium to broaden our view", but what incites the individual blogger to make that kind of commitment ? The link provided by the own peer group is always stronger than the gentleman´s (or woman`s) agreement oftwo opposing sides that compromise at least on talking to each other. The clearly optimist estimation of Blood lacks a clear insight into group dynamics.

# on 5/24/03; 10:05:25 AM__

Wieder da!

Nachdem gestern Nachmittag der Server ausgefallen ist, ist es Sebastian und mir heute wieder möglich, live zu bloggen.

# on 5/24/03; 9:48:56 AM__

Morning heat

People are slowly crowding in, maybe some of yesterday´s speakers grasped the chance of taking an extended morning walking along the Danube. The majority of the bloggers have never been to Vienna before. The environment is not that impressive compared to NY City standards, but will improve throughout the next years. Vienna will make a strong stance on becoming the most important conference city in the area.



# on 5/24/03; 9:45:38 AM__