___A European Conference on


Web-based publising, communication and collaboration tools for
professional and private use_______________________updated:04.11.2003; 18:06:20
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BlogTalk 2.0 takes off

BlogTalk 2.0 started. We established the steering committee that will represent the goals of the conference. Likewise it will support the development of the mission and the call for papers and finally supports with the decision on which paper will be presented.

The overall goal of the conference is best summarized under the motto Xchange. The discursive exchange between developers, researcher and the community of user is our declared goal. This common discourse is the basis for a fruitful development and usage of weblogs both as a form and a technology.

The Steering Committe consists of: Torill Mortensen, the Schockwellenreiter (Jörg Kantel) , Peter Praschl, and Clay Shirky.

The new website will be online next week!

# on 11/4/03; 6:06:20 PM_blogtalk: Message by the Conference - Organization_